
Green-Machine Smoothie

In the quest for optimal health and wellness, incorporating nutrient-rich foods into our diet is paramount. Enter the green smoothie – a vibrant concoction packed with leafy greens, fruits, and other wholesome ingredients. In this post, we have my favourite green smoothie recipe, and dive into the benefits of incorporating green smoothies, from improved digestion and increased energy to enhanced nutrient intake and detoxification.

1. Abundant Nutrient Powerhouse:

Green smoothies are an excellent way to boost our nutrient intake effortlessly. Packed with a variety of leafy greens, such as spinach or kale, these smoothies deliver a high concentration of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The addition of fruits like bananas, berries, or mangoes further enhances their nutritional profile, providing a wide range of beneficial compounds for overall health and vitality.

Smoothies are a great way to sneak in extra serves of vegetables for kids and a great way to start the school day with ‘brain food’. The addition of low glycemic carbohydrates, water, fibre, vitamins, and minerals arms them with the nutrition required for both mental and physical activity.

2. Improved Digestion and Gut Health:

Leafy greens are rich in fibre, which plays a crucial role in promoting regular bowel movements and maintaining a healthy digestive system. This fibre content aids in preventing constipation, promoting gut motility, and supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. The combination of fibre and hydration from the smoothie can help alleviate digestive issues and improve overall gut health.

3. Increased Energy and Vitality:

Green smoothies provide a natural energy boost, thanks to their nutrient density and the presence of easily digestible carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables. The vitamins and minerals present in these smoothies help support energy metabolism, while the natural sugars from the fruits provide a quick source of fuel for the body. Incorporating green smoothies into your daily routine can help you feel more energised and revitalised.

4. Hydration and Detoxification:

Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, and green smoothies can contribute to our daily fluid intake. The high water content in these smoothies, combined with the hydrating properties of fruits and vegetables, helps maintain proper hydration levels. Additionally, leafy greens like spinach and kale possess detoxifying properties, aiding the body in eliminating toxins and supporting liver function.

5. Weight Management and Satiety:

Green smoothies can be a valuable tool for those looking to manage their weight. The fibre content in leafy greens and fruits provides satiety, helping to curb hunger and prevent excessive snacking. The combination of nutrients and hydration in green smoothies can also help support a healthy metabolism, making them a great addition to a balanced weight management plan.

6. Boosting Immune Function:

The vitamins and antioxidants found in green smoothies play an essential role in supporting a robust immune system. Leafy greens are rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune response and aids in the production of collagen. The presence of antioxidants, such as vitamin E and beta-carotene, further enhances immune function by neutralising harmful free radicals in the body.

Give your smoothie a boost:

  • Frozen zucchini, kale, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower (vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, folate, potassium)
  • Frozen green banana (protein, magnesium, resistant starch, potassium)
  • Leafy greens (iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, folate)
  • Avocado (essential fatty acids, fibre, potassium, vitamin K, folate, vitamin C)
  • Greens powder
  • Protein powder
  • Coconut water (potassium, magnesium)
  • Nut milks (without additives)
  • Flax & Chia seeds (fibre, essential fatty acids)
  • Hemp seeds (protein, fibre, essential fatty acids, vitamin E, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc)
  • Coconut oil (medium-chain fatty acids)
  • Grated fresh ginger, turmeric

Light and Green: add veggies to your smoothies, adding the juice of a lemon or lime gives a nice tangy flavour and can mask some of the bitter taste of leafy greens.

Green-Machine Smoothie Recipe

1 cup filtered water or coconut water

1 large cucumber

2 stalks celery

Handful Kale leaves torn from stem

Handful baby spinach

1/2 green apple or 1/2 cup of frozen pineapple

1/2 inch knob of fresh ginger

Juice of half a lemon or lime

1 Tablespoon chia seeds


  1. Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender (no longer than 60 seconds).

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make the smoothie thicker?

  • Frozen avocado, banana or more ice are a great way to thicken up your smoothie.

How do I make my smoothie thinner?

  • If your smoothie is so thick you can’t drink it through a straw, simply turn it into a smoothie bowl and add extra toppings for a satisfying meal. OR
  • Simply adding a little more filtered water will do the trick.


Good nutrition takes practice, it’s not about having the perfect diet or heavily restricting and obsessing over food. Instead of viewing food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ think of its nutritional ‘bang for your buck’. If you have overindulged one day, try fasting the next morning, make yourself a smoothie for lunch, have a light dinner, and most importantly – be kind to yourself.


1. Mehta, S., & Sharma, A. K. (2019). Role of Dietary Fiber in Health and Disease. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 18(2), 533-555.

2. Forster, G. M., Dimitriadis, V. K., & Kivimäki, M. (2020). The Role of Fiber in Energy Balance. Journal of Nutrition, 150(9), 2360S–2368S.

3. Davy, B. M., Dennis, E. A., & Dengo, A. L. (2008). Water consumption reduces energy intake at a breakfast meal in obese older adults. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108(7), 1236-1239.

4. Kreider, R. B., Wilborn, C. D., & Taylor, L. (2010). ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research and recommendations. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7(1), 7.

5. Hemila, H. (2017). Vitamin C and Infections. Nutrients, 9(4), 339.